Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Harper Lee duped out of her copyright to To Kill a Mockingbird

Celebrated novelist Harper Lee has found the courage to fight her own injustice. The author of the Pulitzer Prizewinning novel To Kill a Mockingbird has sued her literary agent for duping her out of her rights to the book, according to this article in The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/may/04/harper-lee-kill-mockingbird-copyright.

She joins the sad ranks of Mickey Rooney and Brooke Astor, both celebrities who were victims of financial exploitation perpetrated by people they trusted. Harper Lee, who is now 87, says that she has no memory of relinquishing her rights to the novel. She had the same agent for 40 years, but when he became ill in 2002 his son-in-law (the defendant in this lawsuit) took over several of his clients including Lee, according to the lawsuit.

If only Atticus Finch, attorney and hero of the book, were available to keep this guy from escaping justice.

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