Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Case of the Week: 11/22/2004

County: Mon
Age: 81

Our client is an 81-year-old woman who derives her income entirely from Social Security. She is on a fixed budget and tries hard to make ends meet. Over the summer she had encountered some trouble meeting all her expenses. One expense she was worried about was her pharmacy bill. She sent a letter explaining her situation and asking that the pharmacy be patient. She would make the payment when she could. She heard nothing, until a collection agency sent her a bill, to be paid in full, for $200. She was worried that she was about to be sued. Although she was fully aware of her responsibility to pay the bill, she was unable to pay the entire amount. I contacted the pharmacy on her behalf, explained her position, and asked that we work out an arrangement for the client to make payments. The pharmacy, after considering my client's position, accepted a payment arrangement of $10, $30, to $50 per month until the bill is paid in full. They made the arrangements through the collection agency. My client is happy that she is able to avoid a bad credit report and possible litigation.

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